Galium mollugo - Hedge bedstraw

Galium mollugo: hedge bedatraw or soft bedstraw is related to cleavers and has many of its qualities. As an edible, the young tips of the new growth make a fine additrion to salads, though they can be a little tough as they get older. Some will find it more palateable than cleavers as it does not possess the roughness of the later. Galium mollugo does not have a strong flavour but it does possess most of the same medicinal benefits of cleavers.

As ground cover it can have its use in the gardem: photo 6 shows how it can cover the ground. It also makes a pretty display when in flower - photo 5 shows this. Interestingly photo 6 was taken later than photo 5 but 6 is in a shady lane where the plant has not been allowed to flower. Photo 5 is of a patch on a south-facing stream bank.

Hedge bedstraw in a hedge
Hedge bedstraw
in a hedge. 30 June 2009
Hedge bedstraw in a hedge
Hedge bedstraw
in a hedge. 30 June 2009
Hedge bedstraw on a roadside verge
Hedge bedstraw on a roadside verge. 19 June 2010
Hedge bedstraw on a roadside verge
Hedge bedstraw on a roadside verge. 19 June 2010
A mass of hedge bedstraw flowers
A mass of hedge bedstraw flowers. 26 June 2010
A mat of hedge bedstraw greenery
A mat of hedge bedstraw greenery. 11 July 2010

Page Information

Page first published: 26th February 2011..
Written by and © Richard John Torrens
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Last modified: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 09:21:50 BST
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